Frequently Asked Questions


  • All data is securely stored within a large public cloud providers Australian datacentre.

  • There is no direct access to the database. All data is encrypted at rest for additional security. Only the application middleware is trusted to access the database.

  • Only approved employees from Gate99 can access the data. All access is protected using multi-factor authentication and audited.

    All data and systems are monitored with security and anomoly alerting enabled.

  • Gate99 works with you to determine your specific record keeping requirements.

    All data is encrypted in transit and at rest.

    There may also be separation of storage depending on the data to ensure greater security.

  • At no stage does Gate99 store any of the biometrics used to match the faces, which can be commonly used for facial recognition purposes.

    The matching process is sent to a cloud service. Once processed and a confidence score returned to the application, the data is disposed of immediately.